Photo fun
21 July 2008
Hi All
Okay I have been thinking about this for some time and have finally decided I am going to start another section on my blogg called , Found Photo Shenanigans, basically what is it about?.
Its about photos I have found at flea markets, carboot sales etc, I dont know the people all I know is there is something about these images that makes them unique and beautiful, and I want to share that with everybody that loves to visit my blogg, as a bonus, I am going to be sharing my 8mm films as well, alot of these are home movies, weddings , holidays all shot in glorious 8mm, again these are from total strangers, they will take a little longer to get on the blogg beacuse I first have to transferre them digitally then edit and finally get them on the web…..but for now I wish to start off with Found Photo Shenanigans…I hope you guys enjoy this, please let me know whta you think of it….cheers
Posted in Miscellaneous | 3 Comments »
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Really cool images man! I love the shot of London!
Oh, and stop reading my comment and link me! Ha ha! đŸ™‚
These are great. I like the design you’ve added in as well… Looking forward to seeing more.
Hey Stu, dont worry I will get your link up…sometime:)
Thanks Gary, oh yes there will be plenty more photos comming