Warfear-T-shirt Commision
31 May 2010
This artwork was commisioned by the band Warfear, thier brief was for me to take Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate factory and turn it into a ghoulish nightmare.
The art work is going to be used for a black and white T-shirt print.
This is the revised version
I was curious to see what it could look like in colour so this is what I came up with
You can check out Warfrear here www.myspace.com/warfear
Posted in Miscellaneous | 4 Comments »
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Looks great man. So much detail!
Greetings, nice shirt, could you post a link where I could buy it? How do I subscribe to the blog? Ta
Thanks man, gald you like it.
I dont have any details as where to buy the T-shirt, best would be to go to WARFEAR site direct I am shure there might be some contact info there, I hope this helps.