Posts for Category: Dvd Custom Covers

Pulp novel type look

Here is another cover I did using some incorporated art, this time I wanted to try to create the old pulp novel type look.
hope you like

Eye of Satan

Oh yes
Here is the cover with the artwork incorporated.

Satan creature

Hi All
Here is a artwork I coloured up, that I used in one of my recent dvd covers called the eye of satan.

Few covers

Here are a few more covers I did…

Jade pussy

Here was a interesting experiment i made this artwork for one of dvd covers , but what I tried was doing it all in pencil and then to colour the artwork to look like a screen print image, I have been looking alot lately at rocking jellybeans art prints, he’s work is lots of practice for me:)

DVD cover time again

Hi All
Yep its DVD cover time again , so here is a few more.

Glorious technicolour

More covers in glorious technicolour

Covers again

More covers, yup I have been busy doing some covers again.

Crazy DVD covers

Hi All
Well back on to doing some crazy DVD covers, for movies I didnt even know existed, and I wanted to just share a few of these jems, there is a whole bunch I have done but these are a few of my favorites..well I hope you enjoy.
PS I have a few more crazy demented girl artworks that I am busy on so those should be up soon as well as a wrestle girl i have been working on.
Catch you later….C.


Been busy with my “secret” project, which I will be sharing soon with you guys, but for now here are some crazy dvd covers I have created….so enjoy