Posts for Category: Experimentation

Fire Lucha Full version sort of…

Here is the fire lucha I used on one of my skate deck designs, I decided she needed to be on a poster of some sorts so this is the result.

Monster cover art

Hi All
well most of the art is sorted for the book, here is a peek at the cover I want to use and one of the last artworks, text and design elements still have to be added, so you guys are looking at this in its raw format….hope you like

GWMH Ladies

Hi All
Well I started looking now at the second pass on the GWMH Ladies,time to bring out more of the fleshyness and soft skin as well as playing with the shadows and highlights…enjoy

GWMH Ladies again

Some more lovley ladies for your viewing pleasure…enjoy

One arm

HI All
Here is last night lovley lady come to life in glorious technicolour….enjoy

Two more girls

Hi All
Here are another two lovley ladies from my project….enjoy

“GWMH” Girls Wear Monster Hats…

Hi All
So here it is the first image from my new secret peoject, “GWMH” Girls Wear Monster Hats… what is it about, well in a nutt shell, its my take on taking somthing beautiful and that I admire, “ladies” in this case and then exposing somthing about them, somthing thats wrong, wierd and macarbre….there is more to this but thats the very basic of it.
Hope you enjoy
The final version of this will printed and collected in a book, so I hope it all works out.

Paint and foolery

This was a little paint and foolery, i was not really shure where this was heading , so i decided to go abstract and figurative…..enjoy

Paint and practice

Hi All
Okay another practice session, only one hour this time, but I tried to be a little more experimental and I really liked how this one came out, so hopfully my mojo is finally returning… more artists block???