Archive for January, 2008

Feeling Green

Feeling Green
No, I am not ill, I just decided to try a piece with less yellows, reds and purples, and try adding a bit more greens, the original undertone paintaing was going towards my usual colour palette, but after I let the base paint dry I then gave it a waterd down wash of lime green, this seem to do the trick, then finished it off with some ox blood red line work.

Customer service at the bank?……DRAW

What to do when waiting for customer service at the bank?……DRAW
Yup Saturday at the bank was moving slow, so while waiting for my number to be called, I decided it was time to sketch, so here is ‘Octogoddess’.
Gave her a bit of colour luchtime.

Art on take-out

Here is a bonus, went to eat out with the family, so after dinner sitting there still at the restaurant I got hold of a pen and decided to decorate the polystyrene container……enjoy

Painted ‘WIP’

Hi again
Decided to post some photos I took of my sketchbooks, thses bits are work in progress, I will scan them in at a later stage and clean them up , but here they are in the raw format.

Pink tentacle

HI All
Well happy new year and all that goes with it, as for me it seems like my muse has finally decided to get her ass in gear and give me some mutch needed insperation, these are the first of a series of inspired pieces, that will deal with my favorite subject matter, ladies and tentacles, yes I know (perv)…..anyways here are the first two, these are straight in acrylic, no digital work has been done to them yet, but they will be undergoing some digital treatment as part of the artworks growth….well keep comming back beacuse this project is going to be a interesting one I have lots of ideas for this one.