What am I doing?

What am I doing?
Well as you all have heard by now, Midway Games is been sold and our fates are not very clear, only the game gods knows what will happen to us, but to appease these gods we here at the Midway Newcastle studio are trying our best to show what crazy skills we have at game development…so I know give you our latest project…..
http://www.necessaryforcegame.com/ check it out.
Here are some concept art that I have done for it, as well as a link to
conceptart.org where you can see more. (http://conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php?t=161023)
catch you all later.


  1. Dude! You just knocked it out of the park on this lot! Awesome.

    devilmonkey on June 26th, 2009 at 09:56
  2. wow man great work, you just keep improving!

    fungi on June 30th, 2009 at 01:54
  3. Hey Guys
    Thanks for the support, well I just have to keep trying , its all I can do.

    Corlen Kruger on June 30th, 2009 at 08:56
  4. Hey Corlen, sorry to hear about Midway Newcastl. How are things going – did you manage to land on your feet? Great art and great talent man!

    Justin Paver on August 4th, 2009 at 16:58

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