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Coffin Joe themed LP cover

This is going to be used for a LP cover themed around Coffin Joe , I am inking the cover then coloring it digitally and adding effects.

Jungle Girl Zombie Hunter WIP 2

Update on the drawing , its getting there.

RedDevil Sunday Artjam

So Sunday afternoons I spend with my buddy Anton doing some art jams , mostly just talking crap and drawing painting whatever, so yesterday I just painted this little red devil, he was actually suppose to be more magenta/pink but came out red by the time I was done with this. Acrylic on canvas paper

Jungle Girl Zombie Hunter WIP

Okay so finally I am getting back into silk screening my art, the long break was due to suppliers closing shop and I had to start hunting for new companies that could supply me with the  inks and positives I require to create my prints , well it seems most of that has been resolved. So to jump start the year I have started with my first long poster design. This time I am making the drawings bigger than my usual A3 size. In the photos you can see my original rough sketches and a smaller version of the larger sketch I was using this to flesh out some ideas before I commit to drawing the large artwork.

The blue layout is my original sketches scanned in and corrected in photoshop and then printed out lightly as cyan , just so  I have something to draw on , in photoshop once I scan in the final pencil art I just remove the cyan.

Commission Piece Done

So here is the final piece all finished up.

Commission Piece Update

Started to lay down some colour on this artwork.

Space Girl Sketch

A sketch I was working up this week , once the drawing was finished on Sunday I decided to bust out the old airbrush and see what would happen if I added some extra shading/ values , I am pretty pleased how it turned out – most of all because I manged not to destroy the damn drawing spraying it with the airbrush, the final image is the scanned version and cleaned up in Photoshop ready for digital colour. I think if I try this again I wont use black ink , but rather a mid grey, the black tends to darken the image really fast even thou I watered the ink down allot.

Commission Piece

A fellow artist on Deviant art has asked me to create this commission for him of his lovely wife. I was allowed to to go wild with the  theme. i cant wait to take this to colour.

Here is the final version cleaned and scanned.

Here are the work in progress shots.

SuperNatural Tales for Halloween 3

Lets take a ride with the grave diggers .. Enjoy

Supernatural tales for Halloween cover 2

Here is another cover inspired by Halloween..Enjoy